Monday, July 14, 2008

VIEW FROM THE TOP >> Service before self

By Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Brinkley
314th Airlift Wing command chief

In a world that places greater emphasis on individual achievement, our Air Force collective mind-set is not one that typically brings awards and accolades, yet our service has a greater lasting impact. Each one of us by signing up in defense of our nation has decided to forego individual achievement as a primary motivator to the more noble pursuit of securing a way of life for the masses.

I know I’m preaching to the choir when I talk about service before self, yet I think it is important to convey respect and appreciation for this selfless focus. All over Team Little Rock, I am inspired by the devotion of our entire team to ensure we remain the world’s leader in combat airlift. Even as many celebrated the Fourth of July, our 314th Services Squadron worked diligently to guarantee a great base celebration.

If you have the privilege to walk on the flight line, you will see that our maintainers do not rest until each aircraft maintenance issue is addressed properly. I cannot remember seeing a better and more helpful group of medics, military and civilian, than what we have at our Medical Group. The reason we have an astounding graduation rate for our aviators on base is due to the many hours of preparation and execution of a tremendous curriculum by our teaching cadre.

I cannot, nor would even try, to think of how our mission would work without the efforts of our civilians and volunteers. These people represent much of the continuity we have at Team Little Rock.

These are just a few examples of how each of you don’t measure your day by the clock, but by how efficiently and effectively your programs work to benefit others. I am fully persuaded that “service before self” are not buzz words for you; and I thank each of you for your service to our nation during these challenging times. Combat Airlift!


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